
Friday, December 1, 2017

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

     When I say "Merry Christmas" which I find myself doing a lot of this time of year, I mean it as a sharing of the overabundance of joy I find in the season. I am a Christian. This season marks the birth of my Savior, Jesus Christ. I am aware that all around me are people from different races and cultures. I am aware what their diversity adds to the great American melting pot. I do not wish for them to not celebrate whatever Holy season they celebrate. If they are Jewish, I certainly hope their Hanukkah is blessed. If they are Muslim, I hope Ramadan brings them wisdom and peace. If they are atheist, I wish them comfort. But I say "Merry Christmas" because that is where my joy arises from.That is the part of the melting pot that I add. My silly hat and off tone singing, My Christmas lights and sleigh bells ringing. I read Dickens every year and usually find something new to take away from the story of Scrooge. I vow to keep a Merry Christmas, not to forge my chains of greed nor hate. I will try to embrace and enhance the joy of those around me in the hopes that seeds of decency are planted and the fruits enjoyed the year round. 
  So I am asking each of you to go forth on your snow whitened streets or your sunny and warm path and smile at your neighbors, wish them joy, comfort, peace and prosperity. That is my wish for each of you as well as having a truly Merry Christmas.


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